02 marzo, 2015

Shadow Master

Shadow Master by Moi

In the shadows
In the darkness
He is always there
watching over all
Yet, I have no fear
He is Prolific,His words a clap of thunder
Wasted words are not His way
 He speaks volumes of wisdom
But he utters very few words
He shows the way
He is priceless
As is His presents
like a flawless gem
With Great pride 
He holds His head
Humble i kneel before him
He is my Mentor
He has taught me
so many valuable lessons
His example and his actions
teach the way
to lasting redemption
from the mortal decay
It's His loyalty that has put Him
In my heart  and there He forever remains
I would have it no other way
Let it be known
He is my best friend!

Evil Twin 

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